
There is not a whole lot of interesting things going on right now just work and working out. I did start swimming multiple times a week again. I decided to go with the pool near work, so that means a 4:30 am alarm and I’m in the water around 5:30 to make it to work by 7.

I wasn’t able to get my long rides in this weekend because it was rainy and cold, I could only deal with 90 minutes, and 30 minutes on the bike trainer this weekend. This weekend looks like it should be nice so I might try a new route in Frederick MD. I’m also looking at doing a 10k on Saturday, I haven’t made up my mind but I’m thinking about it.

I guess one interesting thing is I have been having car trouble the last few weeks. It’s the same problem I have been having since was in Atlanta over two years ago. I’ve taken it multiple dealerships and no one has really solved the problem. I think it is about time for a new car. I’m leaning towards getting an Accord, I was thinking about the Honda Element. It seems like it would fit my bike easily but I’m not sold on it yet. I’m leaning towards the accord but will probably still test drive an Element.

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